ComplianceMate Blog

How AI Is Changing Food & Product Safety Across Industries

AI with young man in the night

AI is experiencing a surge in popularity. More research and investment is going into AI than ever before and all industries are being transformed by this technology. Here’s how food safety is changing across the industry and how it could affect you.

What Is AI?

Artificial intelligence is the science of making machines that can think like humans. It can do things that are considered "smart." AI technology can process large amounts of data in ways, unlike humans. The goal for AI is to be able to do things such as recognize patterns, make decisions, and judge like humans.

AI for Restaurants

The ability of AI to process huge volumes of data at incredible speeds holds lots of promise for all kinds of industries and especially - restaurants of all kinds. Full-service and quick-dining establishments can automate the analysis of temperature data from one or multiple locations. This not only saves hours of time, but can often be completed without human staff having to interfere or work overtime.

Restaurants are using AI’s power to increase the speed at which advertising and purchasing decisions are made with predictive analytics. This type of AI can be used to improve menus and inventory management based on feedback and responses.

For example, the chatbot is a type of AI that allows customers to interact with a restaurant via voice or text. A customer may be able to get answers to questions, reserve a table, place an order, or even make/receive suggestions based on diet or personal preference without any human interaction.

AI in Grocery and Convenience Stores

AI-based technology is being tested or already in place in different types of grocery and convenience stores.  One example is in ensuring the right amounts of inventory is alway at the appropriate level because it is crucial in serving customer needs and staying competitive. AI is helping with this through computer vision systems, which scan shelves for supply levels and report levels and place orders according to readings.

These businesses are also maximizing sales. Ultimately, their competitiveness with AI technology that reveals which products sell best according to shelf location and placement.  Changes can be made quickly to meet the demand and convenience.

Food safety in restaurants, grocery and convenience stores can be assured with AI technology that monitors temperatures and sends notifications as well checks expiry data and adjusts inventory accordingly.

AI in the Healthcare Industry

Woman working at a grocery store

The prevention of foodborne illness is an absolute must for all impacted businesses. Healthcare facilities, including hospitals, clinics, labs and assisted living facilities, must adhere to strict standards for the health and safety of their patients.

AI can help healthcare businesses to make diagnoses and suggest treatments based on probability testing and results. In order to do so, this technology must collect patient, drug and food related data, which has understandably raised questions as to its ability to do so while remaining compliant with HIPAA regulations.

AI in Education

AI has had a significant impact on the education industry, which must also adhere to strict standards for the safety of students and staff. AI technology allows for the automation of temperature monitoring in cafeterias, coffee shops as well as assisting in staff scheduling and automating workflows which help to assist staff that are much more efficient.

AI can definitely complete many tasks much faster than humans can. However, while it can be used to provide grades for students and assess their performance on some testing types, its development is still at too early of a stage to replace human teachers entirely.

AI in the Hospitality Industry

Sports venues, casinos, hotels, and airport lounges are all in the business of giving customers unforgettable experiences. They must maintain the highest operational efficiency at all times to ensure that every guest receives the ultimate experience as soon as they request it.

In addition, AI can record and track the customer journey, and can offer the ability to personalize each customer’s interaction as well as provide valuable feedback on that experience and any related modifications for enhanced future experiences.

AI can help hospitality businesses maintain HACCP compliance by ensuring the safe cooking, transporting, and serving of food. It can also help hospitality businesses to simplify complex tasks such as temperature monitoring, workflow enhancements and revenue reconciliation from several departments.

AI in the Travel Industry

Whether traveling the globe or enjoying time away close to home, a favorable customer experience before, during, and after travel is absolutely essential.

Booking travel no longer must occur through a human agency. Thanks to AI, this can now be accomplished online via chatbot technology, which can also choose destinations and other aspects of the travel experience when sufficient information has been supplied by the traveler.

As with every other food industry business, the food served on planes, trains, and cruise ships must be fresh, delicious, and safe for guests to consume. AI can be used to monitor food temperatures and ensure that every meal is warmed and cooled to the correct temperature and served as fresh as possible.

AI in Other Foodservice Industries

Food trucks, delivery companies, suppliers, and catering services must ensure the food they transport, accept, or distribute remains safe for consumption. The same is true of offices and university and technical campuses. AI is being used for this purpose, and it is also being applied to other operational aspects, such as route planning.

For example,food truck AI in the form of predictive analytics is being used to plan routes and detect traffic problems. Temperatures in refrigerators and freezers, as well as in kitchens and vehicles, keep owners informed about how they’re operating and allow for the repair or purchase of new equipment ultimately optimizing the operations.  

ComplianceMate: the Latest in Food Safety Technology

Food Safety Technology

Food safety and quality are top priorities, but how can you ensure that your staff are always helping you maintain food safety compliance and your quality objectives, even when you’re not there? ComplianceMate is the solution to this and many other common challenges.

Our suite of powerful food safety tools provide you with the ability to ensure your staff are working to keep food at the best possible quality no matter what industry you are serving.

Whether you’re a single business, multiple locations, large arena or small hospital, ComplianceMate’s platform empowers your team to excel with digital workflow checklists, which you can monitor for completion anytime and from anywhere.

Our fully customizable system includes LoRaWAN temperature sensors, which transmit temperature data in real time and alert you when temperatures fluctuate outside of safe ranges.
We serve across multiple industries from retail, restaurant, and foodservice businesses, as well as hospitality, education, healthcare, travel, and corporate and campus dining facilities.  Whatever your business needs.

Schedule a customized demonstration to see the power of ComplianceMate to forever transform your bottom line.